We are committed to providing a broad, balanced and integrated curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of each child. We aim to ensure that all the requirements of the Foundation Stage and National Curriculums are met. We also try to ensure that learning in every subject starts from the child’s present level of understanding and experience and progresses to the highest possible level of achievement for that child.

In planning learning for children in Years 1 to 6, teachers refer to the National Curriculum 2014 and other published schemes. There are policy statements for all subjects, which parents may have on request. Teachers who act as Curriculum Leaders  give appropriate advice to colleagues and monitor the progress that pupils make in their subject areas. Termly and weekly plans are given to the Headteacher and Co-ordinators.

In planning learning for our Nursery and Reception children, practitioners refer to the (Early Years Foundation Stage) document which outlines the main areas for development.

Soon after the beginning of each term, parents receive information in the form of a letter from the class teacher about the curriculum for their own child’s class that term. There is an overall plan of how each subject is covered from the Foundation Stage to Year 6, which parents may see.

National Curriculum subjects studied include: English; Maths; Science; Computing (ICT); History; Geography; Design & Technology; Art; Music; PE (Physical Education); RE (Religious Education) and PSHE & C (Personal, Social & Health Education and Citizenship) which includes Relationships and Sex Education (from which parents may withdraw their children except where it is required as part of the science curriculum). Please ask if you would like information about this.

The children are assessed on their progress throughout the school year by the class teacher. Teachers assess progress by listening to and watching children as they work. They also gain an insight into the children’s understanding through discussion, marking work, and working first hand with the children. At the end of Year 2 and Year 6, parents are informed of the standard attained by their child in the Annual Report, a statutory requirement.

Curriculum Range

English and Numeracy are taught on a daily basis for at least one hour each. Science, ICT, RE, PSHE & Citizenship and PE are taught on a weekly basis. For the other foundation subjects, the content and skills coverage may vary from term to term. For example, a class may study a project based mainly on design and technology one term, followed by a project involving much more history and geography the next. A balance of different subjects is therefore achieved over the school year, rather than over a week or term.